Monday, March 1, 2010

Test First Emperor of China

  1. Qin Shihuang
  2. Ying Zheng
  3. Year
  4. Unify the Empire
  5. Administrative changes
  6. Currency and writing systems
  7. After life-Continuation of life on earth
  8. laborers
  9. dimensions
  10. How long -construction
  11. Mercury
  12. Significance of these years

Friday, February 26, 2010

Study For the test: Classroom Communication

  1. Rituals: Describe the classroom rituals in your country. A ritual is a system of procedures used to communicate a message.
  2. Describe any rituals you have seen in classrooms at EKU.
  3. How are they different. How are they similar?
  4. In what ways to you like to be encouraged to speak English?
  5. What have you found most different in your ESL classes?
  6. What is the most difficult part of learning a new language?
  7. What is communication?
  8. participation; compare classroom particpation from your country to EKU classrooms.
  9. Esteem and respect given to teachers. Compare
  10. Procedures, What is expected?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Genetic Engineering

go to website
Answer questions post comments

  • Why do some people think we need to use GE Genetic engineering with corn?

What are advantages of the way Rubio the farmer grows corn?

What does GMO stand for?

In Honduras GE is legal but most farmers can't get the seed. why not?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Presidents of the United States

Go to this site.Find the link to George Washington.

Listen to stories about the first President. GeorgeWashington, 16th Abraham Lincoln and one President of your choice. Post summaries about one video for three presidents.
President Kennedy
President Obama

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Free Rice

Go to the vocabulary site. Do the free rice exercise.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Berea 2012 The Place to Be.

Watch the video below the story and answer these questions.
  1. What is Berea College known for.
  2. How do students pay for their education
  3. Where do they work?
  4. Why do we need to look backward?
  5. When should we worry about the future.?
  6. How many people live in Berea?
  7. Who said the world will end in 2012?
  8. What day does the calendar say it will end?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

International Students at Columbia

Go to the web site. View the movie. Write 100 words about it. Do you share any of the thoughts of the speaker. Tell about them.

EELI Homework